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Faces of Africa – Nigeria’s Lost Generation Pt. 2

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Boko haram targets the vulnerable in, the society in Northern Nigeria, their attacks seems to mutate into wanton destruction of lives and property with reckless abandon, through bombings, abduction and slaughtering of human beings. This has resulted in fear and a sense of insecurity in the North.

The aftermath of a Boko Haram attack in Northern Nigeria.

What happens to the individuals who have left the Boko haram? These individuals are not easily accepted back into society, people are suspicious of them, and with good measure, they are viewed as part of the team that caused and continue causing pain to their fellow countrymen.

Fatima Adam, one of the Chibok abductees, is still adjusting to life in her community. She is now married, and she tries hard to leave the ghost of the abduction in the rear-view mirror. She claims that with the help of her husband she has moved on but the community sometimes view her with suspicion but she soldiers on to integrate into a normal quite life in her community.

Ismail Alfa Abdulrahim, is at the fore front of rehabilitating the former boko haram fighters and abductees that want to integrate back into the community. Ismail says that the greatest fear the returnees have is being killed by the community members who will want to exact revenge. Ismail assures them that they can be accepted back into the community to begin their lives afresh.

Ismail Alfa Abdulrahim, works with former Boko Haram abductees and fighters to ease them back to society.

The mass abduction in April 2014 shocked the world, dominated headlines and led to the viral #bringbackourgirls campaign. In the months that followed, local and international media swarmed the town of Chibok. One woman is fighting to have the rest of the girls released, Bukky Shonibare, has made it her life mission to fight to the bitter end till all the other girls are released. Bukky keeps the #bringbackourgirls burning up to this day to remind the world that the girls are still in captivity.

The Chibok girls, the world waits for the return of all the girls.

For now, the parents of the abducted girls can only hope for the safe return of their beloved daughters. The parents have never given up hope that they will be re united with their beloved daughters once again.

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