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Faces of Africa 01/02/2017 In search of a Perfect World

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Mauritius is an island nation in the Indian Ocean about two thousand kilometers off the

southeast coast of the African continent. The country is known for its flora and fauna with

many species endemic to the island. Water sport is common in Mauritius which includes

swimming, water skiing and scuba diving.

The beauty of Mauritius marine life.
The beauty of Mauritius marine life.

Vikash Purmah is a professional scuba diver at Maritim hotel in Mauritius. He was born in

Port Louis, the capital city of Mauritius. Vikash started working at the age of 15. He worked

for 5 years as a boatman and more than 20 years as a professional scuba diver. He lives in a

nearby village not too far from the beach with his wife and two kids.

On a daily basis he shares his diving skills through teaching.

He starts by asking his trainees few questions so as to see how much they know about

swimming and diving before he takes them to the sea. He explains few steps such as: the

buoyancy process of how to stay balanced and afloat on water.

He also explains on how to use the oxygen carried on their back as they enter deep in the

sea and how to empty their swimming goggles in case they are filled with water as they


Vikash spends most of his day time in water. He finds absolute serenity in the sea, “the

actual moment is experienced when you are under water,” he said.

As a way of giving back to the society, Vikash trains under privileged teenagers from children

homes and rehabilitation centers, how to swim and dive.

“It was my first time (diving). I would like to do it again. I won’t stop here,” told one of the


Vikash training on how to dive.
Vikash training on how to dive.

Vikash is a religious man. He’s Hindu but his wife is a Christian and the kids practice both

religions. Though their friends think this is a tricky situation, the family does not seem to

have an issue. “You can worship whoever you want to worship since no one is superior to

another,” said Vikash.

Vikash Purmah exploring the inner beauty of Mauritius ocean.
Vikash Purmah exploring the inner beauty of Mauritius ocean.

Vikash looks into the future with hope as he continues to do what he does best; exploring

his country’s best of flora and fauna and passing on the diving skills to anyone who is


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