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Somalia to re-open National library soon

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Somalia is set to reopen the national library soon according to the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia during the Book Fair on Friday according to Dalsan Radio.

“Plans are underway to renovate the national library and open it as soon as possible” said President Sheikh Mohamud at the Book Fair

Thousands thronged to the three day book fair in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu. Many books from Somalia and abroad were showcased with renowned authors present at the event to encourage a reading culture in the East African nation and also connect aspiring authors with the people in the publishing industry.

President Mohamud also said that the government is committed to rebuilding the education institutions in the country in an effort to boost the quality of education in the country.

“For the past four years we were in the power we tried to renovate schools, provide meals for children in the school to encourage go to school program that we launched,” he said

Somalia is rebuilding as the fight against Al shaabab seems hopeful as Somalia forces and African Unions Peace keepers keep regaining control of areas previously controlled by the militia.

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