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The World Health Organization (WHO) does not have the capacity to deal with Global health emergencies.

This is according to a new report on how the Global Ebola health threat was dealt with by the world health body.

According to BBC, the chair of a new independent report on Ebola Dame Barbara Stocking says WHO failed in its handling of the deadly disease outbreak, which has killed more than 11,000 people, mostly in West Africa.

However WHO is not the only body t0 carry the blame for not handling the Ebola crisis well.

She said the whole humanitarian system lacked the foresight to deal with the Ebola crisis.

In April this year top WHO leaders admitted that the world health body was ill prepared to handle the Ebola outbreak and released a comprehensive list of agency failings as well as suggested reforms they and global policymakers must realize moving forward.

The full report, commissioned by WHO, will be published later today.

The WHO has set out plans for reform, admitting that it was too slow to respond to the deadly Ebola outbreak that began in 2013.

In August 2014, the WHO declared it a public health emergency or international concern. By that point, more than 1,000 people had died of the virus.

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