Zambia planning to relocate capital city from Lusaka to Ngabwe

The Zambia government is planning to relocate its capital city from Lusaka in the Sourthern regions of the country to Ngabwe, located in the centre of the country.
Zambia’s Minister of National Planning Lucky Mulusa said that the new site for the capital city is aimed at decongesting the current capital city of Lusaka according to Zambia reports.
“When you look at Lusaka in the next 10 years, the city will not be able to sustain us. The rate at which commerce and industry and official activities are growing cannot be met with Lusaka’s ability to grow its capacity,” said Minister Mulusa.
Mulusa further added that the need to plan a new capital city is driven and based on the modern principles of sustainable development, according to Lusaka Times.
‘‘Human settlement on its own is a problem and that is why my ministry is proposing that we start up a completely new capital city that will be planned on the modern principles of sustainable development,” he said.
The central location of Ngabwe in the country, and between Ndola and Lusaka where the country’s two largest being constructed makes the area ideal in addition to the vast land that will make it asier to start building a city from scratch.
The population in one of southern Africa’s fast growing states grown to over 2.5 million heading towards breach the 3 million mark.
The minister is due to submit the proposal to relocate the city to the Cabinet for consideration.