Zambia encourages unity in the fight against COVID-19
The Zambian government says it is learning from China’s experience in the prevention and control of COVID-19.
The Southern African country is working closely with China in efforts to contain the spread of the virus.
With 45 confirmed cases and two deaths, Zambia is one of 52 African states that that have recorded cases of COVID-19. The continent has reported over 16,000 cases and more than 500 deaths.
Zambia has encouraged countries all over the world to work together to end the pandemic
“We are impressed by the nature of the (China’s) response. The response was rapid and they were able to contain the disease and stop it from spreading to other people. Through that we are learning valuable lessons here in Africa particularly in Zambia’s eastern province, which I am in charge of. I know we are partner with Shandong province of China, and communicating with our colleagues and letting us know how best respond to different issues that arise from time to time. So, China has been the frontrunner, we do not have to re-invent the wheel, we simply pick up lessons that China has learned and we are running with that,” said Makebi Zulu, the Provincial Minister of Eastern Province, Zambia.