W.H.O. chief in self-quarantine after contact with Covid-19 patient

The World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he will self-quarantine after being identified as a contact of someone who had tested positive for COVID-19.
Ghebreyesus said he was well and had no symptoms, but did not mention any details of who the contact was.
“I have been identified as a contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. I am well and without symptoms but will self-quarantine over the coming days, in line with WHO protocols, and work from home,” Ghebreyesus tweeted.
Ghebreyesus also urged the public to follow the health measures set out by authorities.
“It is critically important that we all comply with health guidance. This is how we will break chains of COVID-19 transmission, suppress the virus, and protect health systems.”
Ghebreyesus has not tested positive for coronavirus but under current W.H.O protocols, he isn’t required to be tested.
“His testing will depend on the arrival of symptoms or otherwise, and he may be tested in the days to come,” Dr. Mike Ryan, the executive director of the W.H.O. health emergencies program, said.
“He is at home in quarantine, as you can see very well, and working away and continuing to do his job in supporting the world.”
The W.H.O. advises that individuals who are infected with the coronavirus virus are isolated and those who are their contacts are in quarantine to limit interactions with others for a period of time to limit further transmission.