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US freezes assets of Garissa attack suspect

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The United States has frozen the accounts of a man believed to be a mastermind of the Garissa University College attack.

The US Wednesday sanctioned Mahad Karate who is believed to have played a role in the Garissa University College attack that left 148 people dead.

According to a statement from the US Department of State, Karate, who is also known as Abdirahim Mohamed Warsame is a key part of the Al Shabaab attack machinery.

Karate allegedly serves in the Amniyat wing, which serves as the Al Shabaab’s intelligence wing.

” Karate, played a key role in the Amniyat, the wing of Al-Shabaab responsible for the recent attack on Garissa University College in Kenya that resulted in nearly 150 deaths,” The US stated in its statement to the media.

The US describes the Amniyat wing as the group responsible for execution of suicide attacks and assassinations in Somalia and Kenya and is responsible for providing logistical support to Al Shabaab terrorist activities.

Under similar grounds, the assets of Ahmed Diriye were also frozen due to deep association including his top leadership role in the Al Shabaab group.

According to the US, Diriye became leader of Al Shabaab after the death of former leader Abdi Godane in a drone strike September last year.

” He shares Godane’s vision for al Shabaab’s terrorist attacks in Somalia as an element of al-Qaeda’s greater global aspirations,” the statement said.

Diriye has also served in other positions within the Al Shabaab group including being Godane’s assistant.

” Diriye served in several positions within al Shabaab including the deputy governor of Lower Juba region in 2008, and al Shabaab Governor of Bay and Bakool regions in 2009. By 2013, he was a senior advisor of Godane and served in al-Shabaab’s Interior Department,” the US asserted.

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