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UN investigators expected in volatile DRC next week

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More than 250 people were killed in the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of Congo between March and June this year, including two United Nations monitors sent to investigate the atrocities there.

A recent UN report blamed a local militia for carrying out the killings of the investigators, but it didn’t rule out the involvement of government forces.

The Congolese government was quick to deny the claim, producing a video showing the militia, known as Kamuina Nsapu, killing the officials.

The video did not however go far exonerating it.

Expressing doubt in the ability of the DRC government to investigate the killings the UN has appointed its own team of experts to further investigate the killings.

Those investigators will arrive into the country in the first week of next month.

The DRC government confirmed that it had been informed of the 23 investigators that will be arriving next week.

“The High commissioner of human rights of the United Nations informed us that he appointed 23 experts, those experts have to arrive here on 3rd of September to work with our experts to find out what went out there in Kasai,” Minister of Information Lambert Mende said.

The international Criminal Court had said, it was closely monitoring the killings in Kasai but the government wants all findings to be handed over to its judiciary system for prosecution.

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