Uganda reports 19 new COVID-19 cases, total rises to 1,332

Uganda on Wednesday reported 19 new confirmed coronavirus cases following testing of samples carried out on Tuesday which pushed its nationwide total to 1,332 cases.
“Of the nineteen confirmed cases, eleven are alerts, five are contacts to previously confirmed cases while three are truck drivers,” a statement from the Ministry of Health said.
“Of the five contacts, four are from Kampala Metropolitan Area, and one is from Wakiso.”
The ministry said that of the three Ugandan truck drivers, two arrived from Kenya while the other one arrived from South Sudan.
With just one recovery in the last 24 hours, the East African country’s cumulative recoveries stood at 1,139.
The ministry added that there was no new fatality from the disease. Uganda has so far recorded a total nine fatalities from the disease.
The ministry added that 24 foreign truck drivers tested positive for COVID-19 and were denied entry into the country. The 25 were 18 Kenyans, three Congolese and three Tanzanians.