Too many sausages and bacon causes cancer : WHO
Eating processed meats like hot dogs, biltong, sausages or bacon can lead to bowel cancer in humans and red meat is a likely cause of the disease, World Health Organisation (WHO) experts said.
The review by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), released on Monday 25 October, put processed meat in its group 1 list, which also includes tobacco and asbestos, for which there is “sufficient evidence” of cancer links.
Red meat was classified as probably carcinogenic in IARC’s group 2A list, to which it has also added this year glyphosate, the active ingredient in many weedkillers.
Meat industry groups rejected the findings as simplistic, although some scientists said they may not add much to existing health recommendations to limit consumption of such meat.
The IARC was carrying out a formal review of meat for the first time and examined some 800 studies during a meeting of 22 health experts in France earlier in October 2015.
So Bacon, Ham and Sausage have been linked to Cancer. There was a reason why it was haram. Another point added for the Quran
— Karim Jovian (@KJovian) October 27, 2015
When I read that bacon and sausage causes cancer while eating breakfast at iHop.
— Omni ☕️ (@InfernoOmni) October 26, 2015
Okay so supposedly if you eat bacon and sausage it gives you cancer now? Is there anything that doesn't give you cancer?!
— Jacob (@Ja_cobjpg) October 23, 2015