Togo goverment and UNICEF embark on provision of cheaper mosquito nets
In Togo, malaria remains a major threat to the entire population. The disease is responsible for an estimated 620,000 to 950,000 malaria infections with over 1,500 deaths per year. A partnership between the government and UNICEF, seeks to offer free Intermittent Preventive Treatment to pregnant women and protect children under five-years-old by providing mosquito nets.
“This is a good initiative giving away these free nets. This will allow us to fight against malaria” Angele Akossiva, Mother
Besides issuing the nets, health workers, also advise residents on how to preserve the effectiveness of the product, which some beneficiaries already attest are a big boost in the fight against malaria.
“We are happy to receive nets. Plus you gave us advice on how to use these nets. Should not wash regularly to the insecticide remains above long. I do that now sleep under a mosquito net. It saves us from malaria.” Amele Blokpo, Lome Resident
The initiative comes in recognition of the fact that Malaria has a high mortality rate in children below the age of 5 years.
“Malaria remains a very common disease in Togo. If we consider that 123 per 1000 i.e. 12,100 children die in Togo before reaching their fifth birthday and the 12 we say that two children will die of malaria” Vivian Van Steirteghem, Unicef Representative
Malaria has adverse effects especially on children and pregnant women. It sometimes leads to spontaneous abortions, or small birth weight. The focus of this project is lowering the child mortality rate, which has remained high at 123 deaths per thousand.