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Terror group pushed to expand its footprint in Africa

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In 2015 the world grappled to find answers to one major challenge: The growing security threat of global terrorism posed by religious extremists. One group , calling itself the Islamic state, caused the most concern not just with its campaign to establish what it terms an islamic caliphate, that saw it take swathes of territoty in Iraq and Syria, but also with brazen terror attacks, headlined by the 13th November attacks in Paris.

ISIL has also been pushing to expand its footprint in Africa. 2015 saw an unprecedented increase in attacks in Africa by groups and and its affiliates. Here are some of those attacks, a Majority in North Africa on Hotels, Mosques and other civilian targets being their deadliest attacks in Africa this year.

On January 12th Libyan militants calling themselves part of ISIL take captive 21 Egyptian Christians, killing them a couple of months later. Two months later on 17th march At least 20 people are killed in Tunisia after two gunmen storm the Bardo National Museum – one of the country’s leading tourist attractions in the capital, Tunis – sparking a three-hour siege and hostage situation. ISIL yet again claims responsibility
On June 25th ISIL says it is behind an attack on a seaside resort hotel in Tunisia that killed at least 38 people and wounded at least 36 others, a majority of them British tourists. On 16th july using a missile an ISIL affiliate claimed responsibility for damaging an Egyptian naval vessel off the coast of the northern Sinai peninsula

Oct 31st 2015 ISIL also claims responsibility for the bombing of a Russian passenger plane over the Sinai peninsula killing all 224 passengers and crew on board
The plane was heading to St Petersburg, carrying mostly Russian tourists returning from holidays in Egypt’s popular Sharm el-Sheikh resort

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