Tanzanian president calls 2018 a successful year
Tanzanian President John Magufuli has called upon Tanzanians to keep up the hard work spirit, saying the just-ended 2018 was a successful year.
“We have made major achievement in 2018, Tanzanians should expect more this year since we are determined to implement all our development plans accordingly,” Magufuli said in his New Year address.
The Tanzanian leader appealed to the citizens to continue promoting peace, love and unity throughout 2019.
Magufuli called on public servants, farmers, workers, leaders and business people to work diligently and pay taxes.
He said the country’s economy is likely to grow further in 2019 if the fight against corruption and fraud is enhanced.
Tanzania’s economy grew by 7 percent between January and June, 2018, compared to 6.3 percent in the same period in 2017.
Magufuli urged public servants to be creative and abandon “business-as-usual syndrome,” calling on them to be confident and execute their duties in accordance with the law.
“I can see a ‘new Tanzania’ coming in near future,” he said. “We must achieve our goals in 2019 as many more good things will be done.”
“We only need to unite and embrace the sense of togetherness regardless of our tribes, age and religious beliefs,” Magufuli said.