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South Africa’s national parks ready to receive visitors

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Elephants cross the road in the Kruger National Park situated 60 kilometres east of Nelspruit, November 24, 2009. REUTERS/Rogan Ward

South African National Parks (SANParks) on Tuesday announced their readiness to receive visitors in the facilities in a risk-adjusted manner as the country moved to lockdown level 2.

This follows the announcement last weekend by President Cyril Ramaphosa that the country would move to lockdown level 2 on Tuesday.

SANParks said all accommodation establishments will restrict the number of persons to no more than 50 percent of the facility.

“Practically this means that SANParks will be obligated to amend or cancel bookings in parks and camps that are currently booked beyond that capacity and in addition, to reject new bookings that may lead to operating above the regulated 50 percent threshold. No guests will be charged cancellation fees if an eventual cancellation occurs and is due to COVID-19 related circumstances,” said SANParks CEO Fundisile Mketeni.

He said in cancelling the bookings those that booked earlier will receive preference over those that booked later.

Mketeni requested those visiting the national parks to respect the regulations and protocols put in place to prevent the spreading of COVID-19.

In March, South African government put in place national lockdown which banned visit to tourist resorts and overnight accommodation to tackle COVID-19 pandemic.

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