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South Africa records 803 new COVID19 cases

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South Africa on Wednesday reported 803 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 27 new related deaths, bringing the total cases in the country to 8,003 and the death toll to 339.

The Western Cape province remains the epicenter of the epidemic in the country, with 11,262 cases and 210 deaths, according to a statement by Health Minister Zweli Mkhize.

The country’s total number of recoveries to date is 8,950, he added.

Mkhize also said the country recorded the first neonatal mortality related to COVID-19. The mother had tested positive for COVID-19 and the 2-day old child subsequently tested positive for COVID-19 as well.

The child was born prematurely and therefore had lung difficulties which required ventilation support immediately after birth.

He also said the death of a health care worker had been registered in the Western Cape.

Mkhize extended a special word of comfort to the mother of the child and saluted all health workers who continued to serve the country despite the risks in the front line.

President Cyril Ramaphosa said last week that most of South Africa, except a number of COVID-19 hotspots, would advance to level-three restrictions later this month, which allow more businesses to reopen and greater movement of people.

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