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Shock as 38-year-old Zimbabwean musician & pastor videos himself committing suicide

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In a shocking act of suicide, a 38-year old Zimbabwean gospel musician and church pastor took his life while filming himself as he did the act.

According to the video the cause of Richard Nhika’s suicide was a conflict he had with his girlfriend, whom he refers to as Nomatter.

Nhika filmed himself near a road, saying: “This is where I am seated, just close to the road… I think it’s about 15 to 20 metres so take care.” In the video Richard says: “I will always love you Nomatter, which is why when I saw you I never insulted you or said anything bad. I have decided to die next to this tree so that everyone can see, this is real poison you can even see for yourself.”

The footage ends after he has drunk the poison. The state-run Chronicle and H-Metro papers reported earlier this week that Nhika later died in Harare’s Parirenyatwa hospital. It is not clear who posted the clip online.

The video has elicited sadness and shock in Zimbabwe, where, as elsewhere in the world, there are worries of copycat attempts.

Richard on stage: VIDEO COURTESY

His relatives are shocked by the sudden death of the pastor and can’t believe that such a happy young man could take away his life so suddenly.

“Two days before he died, he would wake up in the middle of the night praying and no one ever bothered to ask what was going on in his life,” his aunt said.

Nhika has been revealed to have attempted suicide on two prior occasions, Pindula News reports.

According to the Chronicle, Nhika’s first attempt was in 2009 after a break up with a woman. In 2015 he also tried to commit suicide after he had a dispute with some members of his family.  He was restrained after he tried to drink a poisonous substance.

Well, this time he succeeded after filmed himself taking a poisonous substance.

Blog said: “It is a worrying trend because it brings so many things we thought were consigned to fiction to life.”

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