Senegal relaxes ban on intercity transport, curfew times

Senegal announced the relaxing of some of the restrictions imposed to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic following angry protests by citizens.
The Minister of Interior, Aly Ngouille Ndiaye, said that the ban on intercity transport had been lifted while the curfew had been shortened at a joint press conference with other ministers.
“As of today, transport restrictions throughout the national territory have been lifted with the maintenance of the curfew from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. The bus stations will resume service for urban and interurban transport. However, a closing time is scheduled for all bus and interurban stations,” Ndiaye said.
Ndiaye said that restaurants, sports halls and casinos would also be affected by these measures. However, bars and beaches will remain closed due to difficulties in enforcing the barrier measures.
On the lifting of the ban on intercity transport, Ndiaye added that the compulsory wearing of masks, social distancing and the presence of manifests for all departing passengers will go together with the provisions.
Opening and closing times of bus stations will be agreed upon with sector stakeholders, according to the Minister of Land Transport, Oumar Youm.
More than 200 people were arrested after demonstrations erupted in several cities, including the capital Dakar, according to figures released by the Interior ministry on Thursday.
Protesters were dispersed by police and gendarmes using tear gas and photos circulated on social media showed military vehicles in the streets.
The citizens’ anger focused on the curfew but transport workers also went on strike over the travel restrictions.