Rwanda grants conditional release to nearly 3,600 prisoners
A total of 3,596 convicts from different prisons in Rwanda were set free on Wednesday after receiving conditional release from the government, the Rwanda Correctional Services said.
The convicts were approved for conditional release by the cabinet on Monday, spokesperson of Rwanda Correctional Services Hillary Sengabo told national Radio Rwanda.
Those given conditional release are advised to reintegrate into the community and restrain from committing other crimes which may lead to their re-arrest, added Sengabo.
The beneficiaries of conditional release must have been convicted of minor crimes and exhibited high discipline in prison, while convicts of serious crimes such as murder, terrorism, human trafficking, corruption, defilement and recidivists are not eligible, he added.
The Rwandan cabinet on Monday approved a Ministerial Order granting conditional release to the 3,596 convicts, according to a communique issued by the Prime Minister’s office.
President Paul Kagame also informed the cabinet that he had pardoned 50 young women convicted for abortion, the communique said.
Government in April temporarily released detainees of minor offenses at different police stations whose cases were yet to be ruled on by courts, as part of efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19.