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Report: Morocco Won 2010 Bid not South Africa

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New claims have emerged that Morocco actually won the bid to host the 2010 Soccer World Cup, even though SA was announced as the winner, British publication, The Independent, reported on Sunday.

It claimed that secret video tapes – published by the British Sunday Times – apparently show then-FIFA executive committee member Ismail Bhamjee making the allegations about Morocco’s top spot to an undercover reporter.

The newspaper quoted an extract from the video in which Bhamjee apparently tells the reporter that, after he and his colleagues discussed their votes: “We found out that actually Morocco won by two votes”.  He allegedly suggests on tape that perhaps officials could have “deliberately miscounted”.

The videos were apparently handed over to FIFA five years ago.

South Africa was believed to have beaten Morocco 14-10, in a FIFA vote for the 2010 hosting rights.

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