Reclaiming Africa’s lost artefacts
It is estimated that more than 90 percent of Africa’s historic artefacts are not on the continent today. Instead, they are displayed in some of the most prestigious museums across Europe or have found their way into private collections.
In 2017, the president of France Emmanuel Macron made a commitment to gradually return stolen African artefacts from France, naming Senegal and Benin as the first recipients. Similarly, a growing number of European countries, as well as cultural institutions like UNESCO, are now moving towards launching similar restitution processes.
These artefacts are priceless, but what value do they hold to the younger generations in Africa today? As the debate carries on and some artwork slowly finds its way home, what more needs to be done to bring it all back and teach African youth their value and cultural importance? On this week’s show, Liu Feifei is joined by a panel of experts to explore this long journey home for Africa’s lost artefacts.