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Over 30,000 Expected at Johannesburg’s March Against Xenophobia

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A march against xenophobia is currently underway in Johannesburg. The organisers, who include several civil society organisations said the march was to express an overwhelming rejection of heinous xenophobic acts.
During a similar march held in Durban last Thursday, police clashed with a group of people trying to disrupt the event. More than 30,000 people are expected to march through Hillbrow today against the recent scourge in xenophobic attacks in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. Two people were arrested late Wednesday when police, backed by soldiers, stormed a workers` hostel in the city`s crowded Alexandra township. The army was deployed this week to support police in operations against hostels housing South African men who are accused of targeting migrants from Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique and other African countries.
At least seven people have been killed in three weeks of unrest that have revived memories of xenophobic bloodshed in 2008, when 62 people were killed mainly in Johannesburg`s townships.
UN chief Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday condemned the violence and called for “all efforts” to be made to avoid future attacks. “He welcomes the public expressions of the many South Africans who have been calling for peaceful coexistence and harmony with foreign nationals,” Ban`s spokesman said in a statement.President Jacob Zuma has pledged to tackle anti-migrant sentiment in South Africa and to address deep-rooted problems behind the attacks.
More than 20 years since the end of apartheid, many South Africans believe the lack of opportunities for young blacks and a severe jobs shortage has led to boiling frustration.

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