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Morocco arrests ISIS recruiters

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Morocco says ISIS cell busted, arms seized
Morocco arrests ISIS recruiters

Morocco says it’s security forces have dismantled a terrorist cell in the country – and seized weapons meant to be used in a series of political assassinations including attacks on security forces to steal their weapons. .

Official reports also say that some terror suspects were arrested during the raids.

Those arrested also are suspected of recruiting young Moroccans to fight in Iraq and Syria for the militant group, which is also known as ISIS or ISIL.

The arrests came just days after terrorists attacked a museum in Tunisia, killing more than two-dozen people and wounding dozens more, mostly foreign tourists. A manhunt was underway Sunday for one of the attackers. Two others died in the assault.

Countrywide raids are being conducted to try and eradicate ISIL militants and their supporters.

Morocco says it has broken up a militant cell recruiting for ISIS


Security forces have targeted suspected cells in major cities across Morocco, including Marrakesh, Tangiers, and Boujaad, among others.

Morocco had been on high alert since the attack on Tunisia’s National Bardo Museum in Tunis, al-Sabah reported.

Officials also scheduled emergency meetings to examine ways of tightening security, especially in light of a statement from ISIS in Libya urging sleeper cells and so-called lone wolves to take action individually wherever they are.

Morocco has made it a crime to join a foreign terrorist organization. El-Khalfi said Morocco is working with intelligence agencies in other countries to stem the growth of terrorism, which he described as a transnational phenomenon that threatens the stability of the entire region.

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