MDC in a quagmire over By-Elections

Zimbabwe’s opposition MDC is in a dilemma over whether to participate in by-elections due in June this year.
The Morgan Tsvangirai led MDC successfully won the recall of 21 MPs who had joined a splinter party throwing their seats vacant and necessitating the polls.
The MDC has been riddled by leadership wrangles after losing in the July 2013 elections last year the former secretary general, Tendai Biti, broke away with 20 other legislators to form the MDC renewal.
Tsvangirai hit back calling for their ouster from parliament since they no longer represented the party on whose ticket they had won their election two weeks ago he got his way but now faces another headache.
Whether or not to participate in by elections for the vacant.
MDC Spokesperson Obert Gutu says One of the key resolutions that was agreed upon at congress was that the MDC shall not participate in any election in Zimbabwe until such time that electoral reforms are carried out.
The MDC wants an electronic voters roll, unbiased coverage in public media and equal access to all parts of the country particularly ZANU PF dominated rural areas.
It’s unlikely the changes will be made before June and that is the cause of the MDC’s conundrum.
The party’s national council is due to meet here in the next few days to answer the burning question to contest or not to contest.
One person who certainly won’t be contesting is Willias Madzimure, one of the recalled MP’s.
He and his counterparts will have their challenge to their recall heard by the constitutional court in a fortnight but he says if the ruling goes against them he won’t try to win back his seat.