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KRA suspends official over Ivory seized in Singapore

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Kenya Revenue Authority has suspended the officer who handled shipment worth about Sh570m in ivory and animal products seized in Singapore on Tuesday.

KRA said they were interrogating other port-based staff and working with other agencies to apprehend the culprits. “So far, the truck owner has provided statements to the investigation team but the driver is still at large.
The directors of the exporting company have absconded but are being sought,” said Commissioner General John Njiraini in a statement on Wednesday.

Njiraini said the Authority has revised its procedures to include scanning of cargo previously considered “low risk”.

“It’s worth noting that striking a balance between security concerns and the imperative to facilitate cross-border trade will continue to pose challenges until effective non-intrusive cargo inspection mechanisms are implemented.

We are working with the government on a comprehensive programme to upgrade scanning infrastructure at our ports of entry so as to help achieve this goal.”

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