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Kenyatta sets fire to illegal Ivory

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ivory 2The Kenyan government set ablaze about 15 tonnes of contraband ivory Tuesday as it joined the rest of the world in marking World Wildlife day.

This is the third time Kenya has burnt illegal ivory since 1989.

Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta says the move is meant to send a clear message to the world – that his country will never allow the trade of products from endangered animal species

President Kenyatta said, twenty-five years after the historic banning of the ivory trade, demand from the emerging markets once again threatens Africa’s elephants and rhinos.

Kenya is one of the countries that has been worst hit by the illegal trade in Elephent and Rhino tusks resulting itno thousands of these animals beening killed by poachers.

Kenyatta added that the burning of the ivory was to show that wildlife trophies must be put “beyond economic use”, he said.

“We want future generations of Kenyans, Africans and indeed the entire world to experience the majesty and beauty of these magnificent animals.

President Uhuru warned pochaers that their time was running out bbefore the law cound catch up with them.

Last month, China as one of the countries where the illigal trade of  Ivory is rampant,  imposed a one-year ban on the import of ivory, amid criticism that demand from its consumers was fuelling poaching in Africa.

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