Kenyan Lawyer who wants Obama’s daughter’s hand in marriage speaks out

Remember the Kenyan lawyer who wants to marry US president Barack Obama’s daughter Malia and the headlines he made last week? well he has given his reasoning for wanting the president’s daughter’s hand in Marriage.
Felix Kiprono was the talk of the world on social media last week when he made his intentions for Obama’s daughter clear. His story was not only covered by Kenyan media outlets but he also made headlines on CNN.
After the news came out that President Barack Obama will be visiting Kenya in July, Felix thought this will be the perfect opportunity for him to tell the world about his ambitions.

He grabbed his chance at fame saying he has every intention to make sure that Obama’s bloodline remains in one of the worlds beautiful countries Kenya, where the president has his roots.
Kiprono has offered to part with 50 cows, 70 sheep and 30 goats to marry Barack Obama’s 16-year-old daughter Malia in Kenya.
He told Daily Nation online that offer is only a booking offer for the first family since Malia is still a minor. Once Malia reaches age of maturity then she is the one who will decide whether to accept the offer or not. ”So i will wait and try my luck, ” he added.
Kiprono, is pursuing a master’s degree in law at Oxford University in the UK. He says he is willing to meet President Obama when he comes to Kenya later in July if he is allowed.
The young lawyer says his offer is a way to show the richness of his Kalenjin tribe’s customary law. (Kalenjin tribe is One of Kenya’s tribes from the Rift valley region)
Kiprono says the idea for him to marry Obama’s daughter came from his clan that offered to pay the dowry if the presidents family allows him. He also says his dowry is ready anytime.