Kenyan lawyer Kiprono offers to Marry Obama’s daughter

Meet the Kenyan lawyer who has offered to marry President Barack Obama’s Daughter, Malia Obama
A Kenyan lawyer Kiprono Matagei has made public his special request to US President Barack Obama.
One of Kiprono’s dream is to marry Barack’s first daughter Malia so he has announced that he is ready to pay 50 cows, 70 sheep, and 30 goats as bride price.
Kiprono says he is ready to meet Obama to discuss the matter when Obama visits in July.
Felix who is also a student at Oxford University according to his Facebook profile, offered the livestock in order to fulfil his ‘dream’ of marrying Malia.
He added that he has been ‘interested’ in Obama’s daughter since his first presidential campaign in 2008, when she was just 10 years old.

Kiprono says he will propose on a hill near his home village of Litein, and at the wedding will shun champagne in favour of a traditional drink of sour milk, called mursik.
As for life after marriage, Malia can look forward to learning how to milk a cow, cooking ugali – which is a thick maize porridge – and -preparing the mursik drink ‘like any other Kalenjin woman’.
Kiprono said he hopes to put the offer of marriage to Obama when he makes his first presidential visit to Kenya, the country where his father was born, in July.
Obama’s Kenyan grandmother, who is in her early 90s, still lives in Kogelo, in western Kenya, home to a number of the president’s relatives.
This is not the first time that Kiprono has propositioned the Obama family either.
Earlier this month he asked Kenyan authorities to grant Obama dual American-Kenyan nationality, and present him with his citizenship when he arrives in the country later this year.
Speaking to Citizen News at the time, he said: ‘Instead of the Kenyan delegation receiving Obama with a banquet of flowers, they should present him with a Kenyan identity card and passport as soon as he sets foot in Kenya. A perfect homecoming to a Kenyan son.’
The dowry, or bride price, is an ancient marriage tradition among Kenya’s tribal community and is intended to ensure a strong marriage as the husband’s family can demand the payment back if their daughter leaves.