Kenyan hotels given nod to sell alcohol in rooms only

In a Presidential directive on July 27th, Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta banned the sale of alcoholic drinks in all restaurants across the country and directed that all bars remain closed indefinitely to slow down the rising rate of Covid-19 transmission.
According to the government, this ban was attributed to people socializing with zero regards to protective behavior in environments selling alcohol.
The ban on the sale of alcohol in restaurants and eateries was to remain in force for 30 days.
However, hotels have now received a lifeline after the government eased the recent presidential directive on the sale of alcohol at their premises.
According to Tourism Cabinet Secretary Najib Balala, lodges, hotels, and resorts have gotten the nod to sell alcohol to their checked-in clients on a room service basis.
He was responding to queries by establishment owners regarding the sale of alcohol considering they have started receiving visitors after the government relaxed Covid-19 measures.
“The President’s announcement on the issue of the sale of alcohol was clear that alcohol should not be sold to the public in hotels/restaurants to mitigate the spread of Covid-19.
However, after consultation with the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Health, serving of alcohol can only be served in private and in their rooms and not in the public domain,” reads the circular dated 4th August 4 addressed to Kenya Association of Hotel Keepers and Caterers CEO Michael Macharia.
Alcohol still cannot be sold in public areas within hotels.