Jennifer Lopez Sued Over indecent Performance in Morocco

Jennifer Lopez is facing a lawsuit after a recent performance in Morocco allegedly “disturbed public order and tarnished women’s honor and respect.”
J. Lo has come under fire from an educational group in the conservative North African country after the May 29 concert in Rabat was broadcast on public TV.
The show at the Mawazine World Rhythms International Music Festival featured revealing outfits and sensual dance moves that flaunted the “Booty” singer’s renowned assets.
Prominent members of the ruling Justice and Development Party claimed that her performance was “a breach of public decency”.
He further said that the broadcast was unacceptable and against broadcasting law
The Minister of Communication Mustapha Khalfi was criticized for allowing the show to go on air on public TV.
Some people are calling for his resignation but the minister has refused to step down.
The education, culture and communications committee of parliament will hold a meeting to discuss why the show was broadcast.