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ISIS video purports to show Ethiopian Christians being killed

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ethiopia beaheding

The government of Ethiopia,says it has not been able to verify  that the 30 people shown on video being shot and beheaded by Islamic State in Libya were Christian Ethiopians.

However it says it condemns the ISIS act terming it atrocious.

”We have seen the video from Islamic state but our embassy in Cairo has not been able to confirm that the victims are Ethiopian nationals, ” said Ethiopia’s government spokesman Redwan Hussein told Reuters.

Nonetheless the Ethiopian government has strongly condemned the killings .

A new video from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) purportedly shows the group killing captured Ethiopian Christians in Libya.

The 29-minute video released online on Sunday shows two groups of dark-skinned captives.

It says one group is held by an ISIS affiliate in eastern Libya and the other by an affiliate in the south.

A masked fighter delivers a long statement before the video switches between footage of the captives in the south being shot to death and the captives in the east being beheaded on a beach.

The footage released online shows one group of about 12 men being beheaded by armed men on a beach and another group of at least 16 being shot in the head in a desert area.

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