IOM supports access to water in Libya’s Sabha

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is supporting access to water in Sabha, Libya’s largest southern city, by drilling a number of water wells.
“The Municipality of Sabha, south of Libya, is in an arid and water-scarce part of Libya. IOM is improving the local community’s access to water by drilling new wells across various sites in the city and connecting them to the water network,” IOM said.
“IOM has drilled eight water wells in Sabha and handed them to the local authorities. The drilling of five more wells is underway,” the organization added.
In order to ensure regular power supply to sustain the wells through the many long power cuts experienced in the area, IOM said it will install a power generator for each of the sites.
The project is funded by the European Union, IOM said.
Due to years of instability and escalating violence, Libyan authorities are struggling to provide basic services to the people, particularly in southern Libya.
Libya has been plagued by a state of political division and chaos since NATO-led coalition forces toppled Libya’s late leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.