Heatwave claims lives in South Africa
At least 11 people have been reported dead from the heat stroke due to the heat wave that has rocked South Africa
The death of the people cutting across 22 years to 58 years were reported in the North West Province according to health department authorities reports local media
A number of people have been hospitalized due to the heat wave with at least 16 people admitted in the Mahikeng Provincial Hospital in the last three days.
Crop farmers in the North West are believed to have experienced loss worth 269 million dollars due to the severe drought in the area. Disaster Management Act has declared the North West province a drought area. Over 19,000 applications from commercial and subsistence farmers for financial assistance have been received.
South Africa is reported to have started importing tonnes of Maize from Brazil due to lack of Maize in the country. Farmers’ doubt over crop harvest this year continues to bring concerns over food security in the country.