Have African leaders empowered girls and women enough?

Poverty is not only an African phenomonen but it touches on all corners of the earth. But there are countries that bear the brunt more than others.
‘The one Campaign’ is urging world leaders this years to help those most affected by poverty around the world.
One campaigns says women and girls need empowerment:
”Poverty is sexist, and we won’t end it unless world leaders act now to help girls and women reach their full potential. No matter how you cut it – socially, economically, legally – girls and women in the poorest countries get a raw deal.”
The campaign has been trending on social media under the #WithStrongGirls .
We take an African angle to it asking as Africa prepares to celebrate the Africa Day on 25th of May an annual commemoration of the 1963 founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), presently recognized as the Africa Union (AU), what do women and girls of Africa have to celebrate about? Have African leaders empowered women and girls enough?
The African Union, comprised of 53 member states, has brought together the continent of Africa to collectively address the challenges it has faced, such as armed conflict, climate change, and poverty. Have they done their work?
The campaign is asking world leaders to act on these issues.:
-For the girl denied an education or forced into marriage.
-For the mother who risks death when she gives life.
-For the farmer prevented from owning the land she works on.
All over the world, girls and women are showing their strength and fighting back. They are achieving extraordinary things, despite the barriers they face. But your voice can help turn personal victories into global ones.
Have you noticed a difference in your community? Are women and girls standing up for themselves in your community ? Have they achieved a lot or nothing yet?
The campaign has joined forces with 9 of Africa’s most talented artists to create a new anthem that celebrates the power of girls and women everywhere to make the call for girls and women empowerment. What is your say?