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Ghana:Government declares 3 days of mourning

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A fire Engine at the petrol station that caught fire in Ghana’s capital Accra

#Ghana has declared three days of mourning for over 175 people who died in a fire disaster in the capital Accra.

Sources say that number is expected to rise as recovery efforts continue because some of the bodies of the fire disaster may have been swept away by flood waters.

President, John Mahama , has directed that the 3-day exercise starts on Monday June 8, 2015, to Wednesday June 10.

President  Mahama visited the scene early on Thursday, calling the incident “catastrophic”.

The president has also directed that the national flag must fly at half-mast for the mourning period. The move  came after a crisis meeting that was held at the flagstaff House over the devastation Thursday.

Hundreds of workers had gathered in front of a Pharmacy Shop near the Filling Station to shelter themselves from the rains, but met their untimely deaths after the explosion.

Several people were trapped indoors since the streets were flooded while the fire spread to where they were seeking refuge following a fuel leakage which covered the water.

Dozens of passengers in commercial vehicles as well as private cars which had gone to buy fuel as well as park for safety at the time of the flood, were also trapped and died subsequently during the explosion.

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Many of the people who died in the fire were caught up in public transport vehicles

The rains were so heavy to the extent of hampering rescue efforts at the petrol station.

Local hospitals said morgues were full and security officials also said the death toll was likely to rise, as fire investigators picked through the charred debris to determine what caused the inferno.
 Dozens of motorcycles were seen burnt and the fire is also thought to have engulfed a bus full of passengers that was waiting on the forecourt.
Local residents said many people had sought shelter under the filling station canopy from days of heavy rains that have engulfed Accra when the fire broke out.
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