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Four African nations to face U.N. voting ban over non-payment of dues

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Four African countries have lost the right to vote at the United Nations General Assembly over the lack of payment of membership dues.
This announcement affects Somalia ,Guinea Bissau and the island nations of Sao Tome and Principe and the Comoros.
In the specific case of Somalia, the amount in question us said to be in the region of $2 million. Somalia and Guinea-Bissau are represented at the ongoing UNGA by their respective Prime Ministers – Hassan Ali Khaire and Umaro Sissoco Embalo.
The General Assembly voted last fall to give exceptions to the four countries affected by the ban. At the time it had voted to suspend Libya and Venezuela from voting for the 2016 – 2017 session due to non-payment of dues.
U.N. dues reports indicate are binding on all 193 member states and is calculated according to factors including national income.

UN General Assembly
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