Former Rwandan minister Donald Kaberuka named Global Fund board chair
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria selected former Rwandan minister Donald Kaberuka as chair and Roslyn Morauta of Papua New Guinea as vice chair.
Kaberuka and Morauta were selected by the Global Fund Board following a six-month search, led by the board’s Leadership Nominations Committee, to identify the best leadership pair for the Global Fund.
The board finalized its vote to approve Kaberuka and Morauta on May 2.
Kaberuka and Morauta will replace Aida Kurtovic and John Simon, who served as board chair and vice chair since 2017.
Mr. Kaberuka and Mr. Morauta both begin their two-year terms on May 16.
Kaberuka is currently on the boards of trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Mo Ibrahim Foundation and the Center for Global Development. He served as president of the African Development Bank and chairman of its board of directors from 2005-2015. He was also finance minister of Rwanda from 1997-2005.
Morauta is an alternate board member for the Western Pacific Region constituency. She also served as chair of the Papua New Guinea Country Coordinating Mechanism.