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Eight legged Puppy born in Tonga

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eight legged pupyy eight leggs puppy eight legged pup

Strange some may say…but this Puppy was born with eight legs.

The Puppy was born in the tiny Polynesian kingdom of Tonga, the Daily Mail reported on Saturday (30 May).

Photographs obtained by the Mail show the tiny black and white puppy has two sets of front legs, two sets of back legs, and even two tails.

Unfortunately, the puppy, who was the only one of her five littermates to have any abnormalities, died several hours after being born on Wednesday (27 May).

Vukitangitau Maloni, from Tonga, told Daily Mail Australia that the entire community of Vaini, where the puppy was born, was shocked by the extra limbs.

The Puppy looks like two pups that didn’t quite separate and there are deformities in the face too like a cleft pallet. Her face looks quite blue, which are signs of not enough oxygen.

It is rare for animals born with such abnormalities to survive long after birth.

According to the Mail, the authenticity of the photographs was confirmed by an animal scientist.

Luckily, other animals have managed to live happy lives and overcome their initial physical obstacles.


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