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Defense wants acquittal for Nigerian teen bride

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Teen brides lawyers want an acquital
Prosecutors seeking the death penalty against the child bride say they have provided sufficient evidence to support their case.


Prosecutors in the case facing a 14 year old  child bride who is charged with culpable homicide in Nigeria have told the court that the young girl has to be punished for her crime.

However defense lawyers want the court to acquit her.

Her lawyer Hassaina Aliyu told the court on Monday that the prosecution failed to establish a link between the cause of her husband’s death and the young girl’s intent to kill the 35-year-old man.

The lawyer also questioned the admissibility of a key witness of the prosecution  a seven-year old girl who is said to have been was living in Mr Sani’s house when he died according to a report by AP.

Wasila Tasiu has been standing trial over the past 10 months for allegedly killing her husband and 3 others after she mixed Rat poison with local delicacies she served her late husband.

Prosecutors seeking the death penalty say they have provided sufficient evidence to support their case.

Both Mr Sani’s family and Tasi’u’s own parents have denied she was forced into marriage, claiming instead that 14 is a standard marrying age in northern Nigeria and she chose Mr Sani from a range of suitors.

The court has reserved its ruling for March 31st on whether Wasila Tasiu, 14 has a case to answer under the law.

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