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Botswana to host third UN conference on landlocked developing countries

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The third UN conference on landlocked developing countries will be held in Botswana in December.

The UN General Assembly, by adopting a resolution titled “Further modalities of the third United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries” on Wednesday, accepted Botswana’s offer to host the event in its capital city Gaborone from December 10-13.

The General Assembly decided that the theme of the conference will be “Driving progress through partnerships,” and encouraged governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, major groups and other donors to contribute to the trust fund to support both preparations for the conference and landlocked developing countries’ participation.

Landlocked developing countries, lacking direct sea access, face hurdles in trade, connectivity, and development. This year’s conference offers a chance to explore solutions and forge partnerships, addressing challenges and unlocking their full potential for a more equitable and prosperous future, according to the United Nations.

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