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Boko Haram feared to be setting its sights on Cameroon

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Africa Live 1

Although no one’s yet claimed responsibility, for those attacks in Cameroon, they bear the hallmarks of Nigerian militant group Boko Haram. On the backfoot following a scaled up onslaught in Nigeria, the group has been increasingly targeting Nigeria’s neighbours involved in a regional effort to counter the insurgency.

Cameroon has been targeted before but the scope of these attacks perhaps indicate that Boko Haram may be setting its sights on the country. In North-eastern Nigeria, the army has been battling the group. And there’s been concerns that the militants have been pushed across the borders into the Lake Chad basin.
Attacks have been reported in Chad, Niger, and Cameroon in the past. That’s why a joint military task force was formed to combat the militants. Those who witnessed these latest attacks say they were well coordinated. The bombers hit a busy market in the northern village of Bodo. The town’s been attacked before – just last December. Investigations are under way but for now, authorities aren’t saying whether this was indeed Boko Haram.

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