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Australian releases film on how she was gang raped in Kenya

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An Australian woman who was violently robbed and gang raped in Nairobi in 2006  released a film on her ordeal on Sunday.


In the film “I will not be silenced” explains her seven year struggle to bring her attackers to justice.

When Charlotte Campbell Stephen was viciously gang raped while living in Kenya, the response to her reporting it to Police was: ‘no one wins rape cases in Kenya’.

Ms Campbell-Stephen says the Australian embassy in Nairobi advised her to go back home after police failed to help her quest for justice.

She refused to give up and go home instead took the offenders to court. What followed was a seven year struggle of justice hence she decided to tell her story through film.

She was working for African Leaf, an organisation that supports abused children, when the attack happened. The attack happened after two months of her stay in Kenya.

( Daily nation) Makers of the documentary say they received support from the Kenyan judiciary. They say Chief Justice Willy Mutunga granted them access to Kenyan courts and were also allowed to film there.
Recently, Dr Mutunga screened the film to 400 magistrates and judges during a seminar in Nairobi and told Ms Campbell-Stephen: “This is all I need to change the system.”

The attackers were only convicted on two accounts of violent robbery and not rape. This though left Charlotte happy that she had won the case and hoped she hoped that things would change for rape victims in Kenya.

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