Are you hungry for success?

Here are some tips and more to get you going on your journey to become the next successful African entrepreneur. They may sound basic but they are very crucial to your success.
1. Love what you do.
Most of us live with this impression that we don’t really have control over what we do, over what happens to us, over our happiness and our unhappiness, and that we are victims, and of course, as victims, all we know how to do, is defend ourselves. Because we spend so much time in the defending mode, we forget who we really are, we forget that we do have a choice, and that we do have the ability to shift our lives in the right direction.
2. Build a team immersed in your vision.
Teamwork is the single most important reason why organizations succeed or fail. One of the biggest barriers to building a successful team is the lack of investment by an organization in team development, whether that investment comes in the form of time or money. Building a thriving team is hard work and time consuming, which can pose a challenge for business leaders today as they want a return on their investment too quickly. It takes the commitment of the organization, team leadership, and team members to build winning teams.
3. Come up with innovative ways to solve problems.
To qualify as creative problem-solving, the solution must solve the stated problem in a novel way, and the solution must be reached independently. Creative problem-solving usually begins with defining the problem. This may lead to a simple non-creative solution, or to finding a “textbook solution”. The creative problem-solving process may also lead to the discovery of prior art and of creative solutions by others. The process, in these cases, may then be abandoned, if the discovered solution is “good enough”.
4. Create a delightful customer experience.
5. Quickly learn from your mistakes.
6. Rely on people smarter than you.
7. Never sacrifice quality.