Are high heels good for you?

News that some women were turned away from a screening of Carol on Sunday night has drawn furry from celebrities and the public alike.
Actress Emily Blunt is quoted as saying, “I think everyone should wear flats, to be honest. We shouldn’t wear high heels anymore. That’s just my point of view. ”I prefer to wear Converse sneakers.”
Many women were reportedly turned away from a film premiere for not wearing high heels. This report has been reported by several news outlets and gossip blogs.
The story, first reported by trade magazine Screen International, sparked hundreds of angry tweets and was described by actress Emily Blunt as “very disappointing”.
At a press conference for the film “Sicario” on Tuesday, actress Emily Blunt said it was “very disappointing” to hear that the festival was forcing women to wear high heels. However, the organisers have said there was no such rule for the red carpet.
The director of the festival, Thierry Fremaux, has since apologized for the “over-zealousness,” and denied that Cannes had an official heels-only policy in place.
“We apologise,” Thierry Fremaux said.
But he sought to downplay the controversy that blew up on social media after reports that security guards had turned away a group of women in their 50s for wearing flats to the gala screening of Todd Haynes’ lesbian romance Carol starring Cate Blanchett.
In another case, film producer Valeria Richter was reprimanded by festival officials for wearing flat shoes, despite having a partially amputated left foot.
“Obviously, I could wave my foot at them and that would make the situation a little less awkward for them, because I had a visible explanation,” she told the BBC.
But she said a number of her colleagues who were wearing flats were turned away.
Are high heels good for you?
Find out how high heels affect your body.