Algerian PM stresses preventive measures after reopening of mosques

Algerian Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad on Tuesday stressed the need to follow preventive measures against COVID-19 after the reopening of mosques in coming days, the official APS news agency reported.
“The reopening of mosques does not mean to omit the existence of the pandemic,” Djerad told local media on Tuesday.
He urged people to respect preventive rules, including keeping social distancing and wearing masks, at mosques and other places to ensure their hygiene and safety.
On Monday, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune announced that his country “is reviewing the possibility to reopen mosques, beaches and other places for recreation and relaxation for the public.”
The prime minister was authorized to draw up plans to reopen these places.
Mosques, beaches and parks in the country have been closed since mid-March, as part of measures to stem the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic.
As of Wednesday morning, Algeria reported over 32,500 COVID-19 cases.