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A mother who wants to give birth to her own daughter’s baby

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A 59 year old woman attempting to use her dead daughter’s eggs to become pregnant with her own grandchild said it was her daughter’s dying wish.

Her daughter, who was suffering from cancer begged her to carry her baby after she found out she had no hopes of surviving the illness.

The daughter was despite to have children and froze her eggs after she was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 23.

She asked her mother to act as her surrogate, after realizing that she would not live to see her own baby. She died in 2011.

The mother and her husband are fighting a decision from UK’s Human Fertilisation and Embryo Authority to stop them from using the eggs because their daughter did not give written consent.

If she succeeds it is believed she would be the first woman in the world to become pregnant using her dead daughter’s eggs.

No clinic in the UK has agreed to treat her but a fertility centre in New York is ready to use donor sperm to fertilize the eggs and implant them into her womb

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