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Uganda’s Anti-Gay Bill

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Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has agreed to sign the controversial anti-gay bill into law, warning that those who promoted homosexuality would be dealt with harshly.In what may be seen as a dramatic turnaround, President Museveni said he had not rushed to assent to the bill because he had to take all the precautions as he was directly answerable for whatever he does as a leader.

Other human rights groups are opposed to the President’s move calling for the United States to impose sanctions on President Museveni’s government.

The President has however remained defiant defending his move saying he is ready to battle with outside groups sympathetic to homosexuals. A State House statement released on Sunday said the president was convinced there was no scientific evidence that homosexuality was genetic or natural.

The law includes a provision of life in prison for “aggravated homosexuality.” “There is no scientific proof yet that people are homosexuals by genetics,” the statement quoted Mr Museveni as saying.


President Obama and former US President Clinton have both expressed their disappointments citing the move as a setback for personal freedom and equal rights and a rebuke to Uganda’s own commitment to protecting the human rights of its people.President Obama also warned that the anti-gay law in Uganda would damage U.S – Uganda relationship. The law includes a provision of life in prison for “aggravated homosexuality.”

People across the world have been reacting to the Uganda’s anti – gay bill.

Uganda’s gay community is also preparing for a legal battle with the government.

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