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Kenyan authorities calls for talks to resolve health workers strike

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Kenya’s health ministry on Thursday called for an urgent intergovernmental meeting next week to address the grievances of health workers so as to find a lasting solution to the recurring industrial unrests.

The country’s health principal secretary Nicholas Muraguri said the ministry was concerned by the frequency of the unrests because they were interfering with the delivery of health services across the country.

“We regret the suffering that Kenyans have experienced in the recent past and we wish to assure them that we are working round the clock to solve the matter,” Muraguri said in a statement issued in Nairobi.

Various counties in the East African country have experienced repeated health worker’s strikes that disrupted most of the services in hospitals.

Health workers have raised a number of concerns which range from personal remuneration, harmonization of salaries, staffing, promotions, work environment and opportunities to further training.

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