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Obama’s half brother told to bring down flags at his hotel

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the flags

A half-brother US president Barack Obama has written to President Uhuru Kenyatta protesting against a police order that requires him to remove the Kenya and USA flags he has been flying outside his hotel in Kogello, Siaya County in the western part of the country.

The Nairobi wire website says that Malik Abong’o, Obama’s half-brother, has been flying the two flags in front of his hotel, which he has christened Barrack Hussein Obama Recreational and Rest Centre.

The man has been ordered by police to remove the flags from his business premises.

For two years Abong’o has been defying the orders saying it is his constitutional right to fly the Kenyan and US flags in his Nyang’oma Kogello village.

The county chief police has ordered officers manning Kogelo Police Station to ensure the flags are removed but Abong’o wrote to President Uhuru Kenyatta protesting the move.

Abong’o says the order denies him his constitutional right to possess a Kenyan flag.

The concern comes ahead of the planned visit of President Obama to Kenya in July.

Last week Obama said his visit is critical for entrepreneurship.





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