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72-year-old Indian woman gives birth to a healthy baby boy

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72-year-old Indian woman gives birth to a healthy baby boy

A 72-year-old Indian woman and her 79-year-old husband have celebrated the birth of their first child after 46 years of marriage, with the help of IVF treatment.

Daljinder Kaur gave birth last month after two years of treatment using donor eggs at a fertility clinic in the northern state of Haryana.

The couple’s son, born “healthy and hearty” and weighing 4.4lb (2kg), has been named Arman.

72-year-old Indian woman gives birth to a healthy baby boy

The issue aroused debate online, with many thinking giving birth at a later stage in life was irresponsible for the baby. The father of the child said said the boy would be unfazed by his parents’ age, however. “People say, what will happen to the child once we die. But I have full faith in God. God is omnipotent and omnipresent; he will take care of everything.”

72-year-old Indian woman gives birth to a healthy baby boy


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